Discover Office Space for Rent in Downtown Los Angeles, CA

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Available Office Spaces for Lease in Downtown LA

Quick Stats for DTLA Office Space

There are currently 53 office space listings for lease or rent in Downtown Los Angeles, California.

According to office market report by NGKF, DTLA has:

  • 36,066,289 square feet total industrial inventory
  • 6,239,467 SF available for lease
  • Vacancy rate of 17.3%

Office space for lease in Downtown Los Angeles is on average $3.38 to $3.78 per square feet. This area is one of the largest commercial office rental markets within LA County. Affordable office space in Los Angeles are the following areas: San Gabriel Valley, South Bay, North LA, and Tri-Cities.

Search office spaces in Downtown LA below for free. This includes small office space, Coworking Space, Executive Suites, Shared Space, Creative Space, Condos, Office Buildings, Class A, Class B, Class C, and subleases.

908-910 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90015
1 Listing Available
  3,200 SF

312 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90015
2 Listings Available
  13,400 SF

315 W 9th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015
1 Listing Available
  1,578 SF

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